Wednesday, September 15, 2010


我在想,为什么他们的口德酱没品味... 喜欢说 "F" "F" "F" 在他们的语言?大概每一句都有吧... 我真的听得很不耐烦,成年人或是大人就算了,当可爱... 不,我应该说那些可恶年纪小小的小朋友也是?Speechless... 很想赏他们那些没有口德一巴掌... 

Okay, Ang Moh Lang 就算了,当我身边的朋友(不用包括这的朋友啦),也爱讲... 告诉我..


这些日子,大概每天吧,都会看到他们喜欢用 Ang Moh Lang style 骂人,发泄!很令我失望... 以前还好好的,虽然不是Super斯文的那一种,但... 也不用...嘛!!!要不然可以用我们的土语吗?? 酱我才不会觉得陌生,比较亲切感,也感觉人在四里街... 听的,看的都不觉得奇怪...!

那些喜欢用"F"的,他们的理由是 "...F*** stands for hello la" ! ... HELLO my head ! What a stupid reason..., I just can conclude you're no manner at all... 是环境的问题吗?交错朋友吧?还是时间真的会改变一个人? 

I never use or said "F" at all until now, 信不信由你... except "SA" ...是土语哦!

还有,我想在这里面说句真话,我大概终身好友只有你们几个,虽然我有新Ang Moh朋友,当我感觉上只是互相利用的朋友罢了... 不是真正的友谊。这些只是凭我的感觉才说出这种话的,希望不要见怪,而且事实吧...? 
不说了,哈哈!喂~~~我觉得我跟你们的距离“约拖越松”了。我想用我的  假来再次弥补我们的感情!

很快又要见到你们的永远的好友  上 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Handphone, handphone ~

When people want to choose handphone and asked for your opinion... don't you feel that you always hear, "iPhone 4 lah!", "iPhone!", "Apple phone!" ~ Really (= =) ...! Don't you think that owning these Apple products make you...


They're so expensive...! No need talk about iPhone 4 liao lah ... pricing already same as Mac already~ which is RM 3,000-6,000 ~ you don't afraid kena stole/rosak/drop/cakar one meh~ 
...but seriously,

iPhone 4 is really good lol~~ 

Its screen resolution is just so crystal clear, so nice ! 

Comparing to my N95 8GB and 5800XM !

No need talk about its performance lah ~ superb smooth one ! Applications? Hundred thousands for you to pick and play! Especially the Pianist or Gyro (whatever name it is zzzzzzzzz)  application! 

I lazy to talk more details about it, go Google it = = ~ But no matter how popular, how good it is... iPhone 4 is not my choice... I guess? Maybe because I want to be different than others bah... because at here, about... 7 out of 10 people are holding an iPhone ... everyday see 到 very sien eh? Now I only 看中 two handphone...

Sony Ericsson Android 3.0 

Nokia N8 
Specification? Click the link ! or ....

But in conclusion, I'ma choose operation system based on Android... which means that PSP-like Sony Ericsson eh? XD ~~~~ if its really like a PSP, I would be surely enjoying the graphic, playing it, meanwhile using it as a phone ! Like many in one ! How nice is that ! I also like big screen and sized handphone~ my hand big mah ... and ~

Sorry NOKIA ~ I think I gonna betray you ~~~~~~~~~~ huhu!! Please forgive me, just in case ~~

and guys... once again ....

for those who like to swear! Especially the "F" word !!!!!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My feeling is just so, mixed. Perhaps my holidays end liao? Homesick ba? or missing you...? I don't know, just wanted to cry, ... plus my little pet dog died last week...and at the end I still couldn't hold my salty water from feeling fully up both of my eyes ball ='( after hearing this song.

The rhythm is making me crying. And suddenly lots of sad memories and events just filled up every corner in my mind...

Seems that I'm an emotional little boy eh? To be honest, I really got a weak soul, a weak soft soul that is so naive of anything that it felt... Hahaha... Believe it or not up to you lah~ If you know me 'real' well...=') I'm just missing you guys already, ...I'm very sure of that, I missed every thing, I missed every moment, I missed every single tiny to enormous o ji li ba la thing we had together...

...and Happy Raya Break guys...!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

我国... (My Country)

Guys, do you know what? I, honestly... don't know if Malaysia is still my home country anymore... Look at it, discrimination everywhere, racist everywhere, and my friends, like changed in aspect of manner... some of them.

Look at Facebook, these days! MOST of the stuffs I saw was "GO BACK LA KOMUNIS, GO TO HELL LA, RETURN TO YOUR COUNTRY LA"... even people sharing lots of video about it and mostly, well... obviously "they" won la...

But frankly speaking... I am so glad I'm a Sarawakian(more safe than West), an educated young Sarawakian rose up in ______(lagi safe and using "__" to avoid being 'stabbed', haha) that won't be brainwashed by those UNEDUCATED, LOW STANDARD PEOPLE, HEREBY I SAID TO THEM! STOP YOUR PROPAGANDA ALREADY! I'm SICK of those people that like to ruin the PEACE among us, DEVILS!
每次发生某件事之后,就是有人喜欢把以前的事情统统的抖出来...尤其是这个那个啦, you know I know loo...  我真不明白,明明是几十年的事件根本不必要再重复,再过着黑暗... 悲伤的生活,摆明就是... 

... 这种人根本没资格活在这个世界上...! 
Another thing that made me seriously 火上加油, ...