Thursday, October 29, 2009

Life is just like a Game

Suddenly, I had a thought about life, that is just like a game. I felt it so similiar to game.
1. First, daily routine~ or rather saying as daily quest in term of game.
2. Then keep getting experience as the time passes and learn from anything you did and saw which similiar to killing monsters, walking around in the world, adventuring in game.
3. Trading- Buying foods, furnitures, daily products, clothes from Supermarkets, Shops, Companies for a better lifestyle and to survive --- meanwhile buying potion, equipments, hunting materials in game.
4. Scold or "Diao" a 'Beh Song' people~ alternatively, have a sudden kill on them in game XP
5. Driving car anywhere on world land, riding 'monster pet' everywhere on world game.
. . . . . . .
6. Materialistic, not only in game or the real world~ See people got what you also wanted to follow or have intention to get it.
7. Next spending money on stupid stuffs~ People spend or invest money in online game just to 'decorate' themselves. On the other hand, among of us humans idiot enough to buy RM60+ cigarette, hire people to kill someone, blackmarket like 'Made in China' =D ~
8. So realistic (现实) ~ Having affair or flirting with someone else just because they look more prettier or 'handsomer' ~ meanwhile 'Kick' or 'Ban' or 'Kill' because other player are just too N00b, Stupid, and Retard.
9. After realize its getting harder by leveling, began to neglect the game and ignore it~ After found that its tough to keep going on the job or study, we just feel depressed, stress out, getting bore, unconfident and having negative thoughts~
10. Getting unpatient when there's massive lag on game/computer/line~ Meanwhile driver/passengers getting damn unpatient waiting for the traffic jams/ delayed on public transport~

Duh, I just babbling about all of these stuffs LOL~ But nowadays Gaming Field just became more likely closer to Real World~ Don't you feel that either? Just look at the Graphic! The game movies! The Arts! They're so REAL and ALIVE ! Hush!

Monday, October 26, 2009


说到现在的小孩子,你们会想到哪去?礼貌方面吗?爱情吗?口德吗?态度吗? ... ...
我的话,现在想说到爱情! Kids nowadays ah ... ! 自以为很成熟,.... 我常常说的“小小年纪恋爱... 毛都还没长齐...! 就想搞了?”

小子... 然"LIM BEH" 告诉你好了... 读好书先, 找份工作, 赚了大钱后, 有了肯定的未来...  再去搞啦! 朋友常常问我,... 连我亲戚也是,“有女朋友了没?/ 在外面有交女朋友了吗?”...之类的。... ... ... 结果的答案是............   “没有”!  我说,“读好书,有了稳定的工作和未来,赚了大钱,她们自动会上门来吧! 哈哈~ (No offence or other meaning, just for joke) , 不然就是“还没找到我想要的《菜》”! Australia women are really pretty... but their 人品... "GO EAT SHIT LAH"~ 尤其那些妹媚,超Gorgeous的! 身材...  ... ... ... (@~_~@) 说得过去啦! ... ...


前几天,... “妈的”! 现在想了就有气! Becareful to SAS students ah... "Lim Beh" 不想做作坏... 你如果不认真,乱乱搞,也乱乱来,玩玩罢了,读书有读不好,就想追‘她’?现在又让她有了心灵的砸伤《-(如果的话)... 我也相当一次的〈怀人〉看看! 我管你几岁叻! 不对就不对! 你还小! 学人家小小年纪就谈恋爱 ?!

Another thing, today I just read a news, "Father-to-be is only 13"

A 13-year-old is set to become one of the youngest fathers in the UK after his 14-year-old girlfriend fell pregnant. The two teenagers attend the same school in Dorset and the girl, who is serveral months' pregnant, is in the year above her boyfriend.

The couple cannot be named follwing a court order to stop them being identified. Of 40,000 prenancies among girls under 18 in Britain last year, more than 20,000 were terminated - the first time more had chosen this option than became mothers.


Monday, October 19, 2009


 Ah, ... its Monday! A new fresh week started yet again! But its also a day that I always moaned, "Haih, ... need to go school again! So tiring arh!... Long walk throughout the day, travelling distances to school, crowded on a train, walking in the city that filled with dirty,black, grey, small dust particles flying in the air, seeing and inhaling SMOKE/SMOKERs (which I'm, ... DAMN BLOODY-HELL HATE THE MOST)! I'm tired of city life and felt very, Very, VERY sick of it!
It might be not the one I was hoping for, such as studying in a 'Green Environment', quiet, calm environment, air that filled with clean, fresh, and free from pollution.

How contrast comparing to my dream... Talking about dream, today morning, I had dreamed some wonderful places, like beaches!...

Haha, both pictures unrealistic ah! But I fall in love with the scenery! Ah, here comes the REAL sandy beaches then!

Felt great isn't it? I felt so calm and relax after seeing the them! And also, I also dreamed that I was enjoying swimming in the sea, playing at the seashore, and boating with my family, relatives, and friends!
Ah, quite imagination, because I dreamed a lot of things and hardly to say about it lol! I still remember I dreamed Tong, Darrel, Daniel, Danny, Leo, Elton and lots more people that I knew! My family, lots of relatives...cousins, ... its so GREAT and I felt nothing is more important than them! Never thoughts of luxurious lifestyle, materialistic minded, greedy intention ... when I was spending time together with them during the moment!

And also, I also dreamed of a building, ...a big, big, fabulous building! Its like a Entertaining Theme Park~ Couldn't tell in details haha. See the building in the picture? Not the one in my dream lah, just for example only... This building called 'Jumeirah Beach Hotel' which is in Dubai. Haha, what a holiday paradise!


All of the above began fading and vanished after that when I was woke up on the bed. I felt so frustrating and sad when all the faces suddenly just disappeared in front of me as I opened my eyes. I was hoping for a BIG, big family vacation one day! Hahah, and also having a vacation with a large group of friends! I really wished for both of them! =-) ...!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Some MUST watch Sci-Fi movies

Aaaa, I'm again suffering from 'movies-hunger'! After reviewed and suggested by my 'friend'! (You know 'friend' is whom lah..., my 'friend'!) So, yesterday night, I downloaded G.I Joe and watched it... I just could say nowadays Sci-Fiction MOVIES just AMAZING...!!! NO DOUBT! I became FAN after finish watching the movie! 'Damn...!' Its just like 'pumping' me up!

How great was it? Well then, how about you go ahead and watch it by yourself rather talk about it? Its recommended for Sci-Fic LOVERS

Next, today morning I also just finished downloading G-Force, a Disney animated film!

I'm a fan of any Disney's animated movies and I bet I didn't or WOULDn't miss any of them, LOL! This is a family movie that you're gonna enjoy it! They're just so Fluffy, Cute, Adorable, Humorous and C-O-O-L.

Another Sci-Fic movie I watched few week ago was District-9. Great movie though, but it was also show somehow 'reflection'...

I like this Mecha-Robot! Ow MAN, its so cool!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Like a dream(End)

Enjoying... perhaps...
Its so white...
Its so blue...
Its fading in front me...

Like a wish...
Like a hope...
Like a dream...

Well, that's my short story of  "A week in Sarikei".

Like a dream(6)

Hurm, the next day at night~ I invited my friends out for yam-cha in Taman Tasik ~~ Ah... so nostalgic! I missed the moments at here! I also miss the 炒面+蛋dish! Jia Minn, Darrel, Ah Chow, Xiu Min, Ah Kang, Aston, Eric and Why Chuong were appeared at that night. It just a small gathering, but I enjoyed it. Haha, as usual we had chit-chat lah... Then had some photos : )  

Haha, couples X)

Lol, Why Chuong and Aston still that humorous! Its so fun when together with them.
Look at Aston pose! Does it looks 很眼熟?No? Check out his Facebook profile to it find out!

Normal day... onlining, watch DVDs, play with my pets... and packaging... At the same time I took photo of my hamsters and guinea pig~

Like a dream(5)

Oh well... I just could say 'Happy Times' passed damn fast! Wha? Its a fact! Yesterday night, I should at home right now, but yet I spent another night with my cousins in RH hotel. I just wanted to spend last few hours together with them! My family drove from Sarikei to Sibu to pick them up and sent them to Sibu Airport and meanwhile fetch me home to Sarikei... Sigh* We took the 'last moment' photos before they check-in. I wished the time stop right now lol... (Darn selfishness I had!) ... Then, waving goodbye to them and I felt water came from bottom of my both eyes and its so ... warm... Ugh damn the weather at the same time. It raining so HEAVILY at that time on the way to Sibu city...! "水上加雨水"! Geeez! I dunno when I could meet them again!

My eyelids felt so heavy and decided to take a nap...
But lol..., once I opened my eyes again, I realized that I was in Sarikei!
It just like a blink of eye...! Everything seemed return to normal. Everything looked familiar to me.
Its so quiet....

I took a short walk with my dogs outside around the area and took some photos of them! They looked so cute =0)