Wednesday, August 12, 2009

GAHH ! English! English! ENGLISH! Finally I understood that, my English was very poor! I looked like a bird which(毛还没长齐全就要学飞了)! My English classes, which is somehow also a 'boring' class~ but I also had trouble in English studies... You thought my English was good ar? It's not true, I was just learning Basic of English in my hometown, not Advanced English at here!

I faced many new, complex, and hard-to-spell words! And, when there's a exercise about 'Paraphrasing' words in a paragraph. Teacher told us that there would be exam next week, which is about it! Argh!! Its kinda hard for me!

Erm, well... its somehow similiar to which doing a summary, but stricter... it is not simple just like changing a word such as 'medical profession' to 'doctor'. Its about a "WHOLE" sentence which is needed to be written in own words ! And also, the exam would be given us a four article to read like that lah, and then, do a short summary of ALL of it, and form them in a paragraph(whole summary)!

For example:
(The following is the mixed up from 4 different articles)

1. See the example summary if you liked to !
2. Its good to read it since you are a 'responsible driver' and love your life!
3. I just wanted to 'highlights', to tell you that it is not easy to put 'these' inside a summary!

Title: Way to Reduce Road Deaths

Effectively reducing road deaths requires not a single solution, applied once, but rather, a continuous effort which tackles several aspects of road safety together. This is so because road deaths have many different caauses. Victoria Police (1996) has identified over twenty causes, including carelessness, speed and alcohol. Several measures have been claimed to reduce road fatalities and, as pointed out in Smith (1995, p.14), these require contributions from different groups: the police, the government, road safety authorities, doctors, the media and the general public. Measures initiated and enforced by the government and the police include seat belt laws, lower speed limits, the use of speed cameras and greater penalties for traffic offences("Road Safety Reversal", 1996, p.16; Smith, 1995, p.14). A further innovative suggestion by Robinson (1998)is that the government could help reduce deaths by extending DST, because visibility would be better at a time of evening when the roads are busy. Road safety authorities can contribute by improving the quality of roads and intersections, especially in "black spot" areas, and by launching publicity campaigns(of which the TAC;s road safety advertisements are an example), while the media also contribute to road safety education(Smith, 1995, p.14). Finally, Sharp(cited in Jones, 1997) urges drivers to slow down, rest during long trips and avoid drink driving. Drivers themselves need to be constantly careful(Smith, 1995, p.14) Many if these measures have been applied with great success in Victoria("Road Safelty Reversal", 1996, p.16; Smith, 1995, p.14). Therefore while taking all of these steps may seem dificult, it is worth remembering that they have been very successful in the past.

Note: Traffic Accident Comission(TAC), Daylight Savings Time(DST)

... You think how irritating the BRACKETs things??? I have to refer every sentence carefully, which is matched to information from the author, title, years, name, date and bla bla BLAH ~

Another thing~ haha, sometime I just love to read Mx (a daily free newspaper) because some of the topics are really interesting~ it is somehow similar to 娱乐 newspaper and also cover some issues. I read a topic~

Crying is women's business

The average woman will spend the equivalent of one year and four months of their lives crying, it was revealed today.
Researches found between birth and the age of 78, a woman will be in tears for 12,012.92 hours due to everything from hunger as a baby to heartache as an adult.
During their first year they will shed tears for three hours a day when they need changing, feeding or entertaining.
Teenage girls cry for about two hours and 13 minutes a week, which increases to 2.2.4 hours by their mid 20s, after fighting with their partner watching a soppy film or losing a loved one.
The poll of 3000 people, by, shows the reasons why women cr change dramatically over our lifetime.
Most common causes of upset for teenagers include hormones, arguing with friends, being dumped, and being grounded, while women aged 19 to 25 cry at a soppy film, indecisions about a long-term relationship and losing a loved one.
And for women age 26 and over, the most common causes for crying include falling out with a partner, hearing someone else's bad news and feeling tired.
Kathryn Crawford of TheBabyWebsite added, "Interestingly this research shows that we go full circle when we become adults, as feeling tired is one of the most common reasons adults and babies cry. In adulthood we're more likely to cry about things which affect other people, as well as those things which affect us."

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